Spring 2018

On April 16, the Vanderbilt Institute for Smart Cities Operations Research (VISOR) hosted a Workshop on Data in Gentrification and Equitable Development at Vanderbilt University to address gentrification related issues faced by communities in Nashville. The goal of the workshop was to bring together a collaborative group of experts from academia, local government, and nonprofit organizations to evaluate challenges identified by city and community leaders and establish how these challenges can be better understood and solved through the use of data. In addition to building on partnerships between Metro Nashville and Vanderbilt, this workshop highlighted community and civic efforts that are actively supporting equitable development in neighborhoods across Nashville.

The workshop included keynote speeches by Dr. Ken Steif, the Program Director for the Master of Urban Spatial Analytics at the University of Pennsylvania (see http://urbanspatialanalysis.com), and Erin McElroy co-founder of the San Francisco-based Anti-Eviction Mapping Project (see https://www.antievictionmap.com).

Winter 2018

On January 19, the Vanderbilt Institute for Smart Cities Operations Research (VISOR) hosted the multi-modal workshop, featuring a range of topics from autonomous vehicles to smart city incentivization.